Lesson Posts

Scrap the blog…my first post!

I wish I could say that I had sat down to right my first blog post with a tea cup filled with raspberries. But don’t let the image above fool you… I’m actually sat in my PJ’s eating potatoes smilies at 3 o’clock on a Thursday afternoon (the glamour of student living). pot-faces

Firstly, I want to refer to this as a scrap book, a scrap book that will (hopefully) be filled with ideas, reflections, thoughts, images and videos from the world of “being a creative”. Side by side with the theory that underpins it all. I will share other peoples work, and more importantly in time, my own. Creating a safe place in the corner of the internet were I can save my collected ramblings.

I hope to add to this online scrap book with weekly updates, I am determined to stick to this over the next 8 months, to generate a piece of work that distinguishes me from the very full and competitive, recently graduated crowd. And to use as a portfolio to show off my practical skills and talents.